Thursday, November 14, 2013

It would be lovely to see you...

...during E.A.S.T.*!

My studio mate Carolyn Kimball and I will be opening our studio during E.A.S.T. (East Austin Studio Tour) and we would be thrilled by a visit! You can find us at Canopy, 216 Springdale Rd, Bldg. 1, Ste. 218 here in Austin. I have a feeling we'll be doing some live printing of Tesla (linocut in process below), or perhaps just noshing on treats and sipping our boxed wine, but either way we'll be ready to answer any questions about our work or on printmaking in general. Hope to see you!

E.A.S.T: Nov 16-17, 23-24, from 11 am - 6 pm
(I will be arriving around 3 pm on the 17th, but otherwise I'll be in my studio both weekends.)

*E.A.S.T. is a super ginormous studio tour and it's advisable to take a took at the online catalog to plot your attack. There are a lot of great studios out there with impressive work. And it's fun!
Tesla will be printed on the pages of an old Electrical Engineering book. I'm excited about that!
I'll also have these guys--Brahe and Kepler as a nod to my father-in-law the astronomer. I had some fun playing around with silver leaf, especially on Brahe's nose (He lost the real one in a duel. I'm not kidding!).
I'll have grackles of course. A year ago I started making these grackles and changed them up a bit by collaging them onto old Austin maps. The grackle part is a 2-color woodcut and all is mounted on 6 x 6" panel.

Come, share some of that boxed wine and let Carolyn and I tell you what we've been up to this year. 

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