Friday, February 10, 2012

Grackles, guitars, and paper airplanes.

© Cathy Savage, 2012, Nakamura Lock, acrylic on laser etched
wood panel, 17 x 34"
I need to build supports for this piece since it's on an 1/8" piece of plywood that is slightly wonky, but otherwise I'm going to let this piece breathe over the weekend. I don't claim any piece to be finished until it's sold and hanging in someone's house, so who knows what it will end up looking like? Right now it's on target to hang at Hyde Park Bar & Grill in March in their SXSW show. And hopefully it'll go home with a patron. (OMG--Can you imagine it going home with Bruce Springsteen? I hear he's coming into town! Oh man, my palms are starting to sweat with the thrill of that happening. OK, back to reality now. Whew.)

The inspiration for this piece (originally an 8 x 16 encaustic) was little guy Wes. I used to sing him the nursery rhyme "sing a song of sixpence a pocket full of rye..." and he loves paper airplanes and plays the guitar. Now, 2 years later, it could be revised to include an electric guitar, baseball, and pinewood derby cars. Good times.

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