Sunday, November 18, 2012

You Get What You Pay For

Something to be grateful for: I had a meeting on
Friday for some commission work. Even better: I have a friend
that believes in me and hooked me up with this opportunity.
I listened to a phenomenal sermon today by my church's own Reverend Meg Barnhouse. She talked about living life with an open heart and a spirit of gratitude. One thing she said really rang true for me--you get what you pay for. If you live life as a pessimist and see only the negative, well then you are getting what you've paid for--negativity. Of course the opposite is also true. This was a perfect sermon for me because my studio sales for this huge 2-weekend studio tour were less than stellar, and I have been feeling like Debbie Downer. I have so many wonderful thing going on art-wise and just in general--hey, my life is awesome!--and one weak turnout shouldn't stop me in my tracks for one second!

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