Thursday, August 18, 2011

What Jill Alo has cookin'

Jill Alo, How Do You Know?
Artist Jill Alo sent me this image in response to my "What's on your desk/easel?" question yesterday. Right now it's a collage on it's way to being converted to a solar plate (a photographic method of getting an image onto a plate for traditional printmaking--ink, wipe, print, repeat. I have a blog post about exposing a plate using a low-tech method of a space bag and the good old sun. No kidding!)

Jill Alo, Sisters (III)
As I was clicking around on Jill's website, I came across this beauty. I love it! This is what she says about it: Part of a continuing series exploring the amazing connections between siblings. Intended to become a relief print, after drawing and carving the cel-tec I decided to add collage elements and keep the plate as the final piece. 12"H x 12"W

I spent a good chunk of time printing in the WPA studio again today, along with my friend, musician and artist Jean Caffeine keeping me company. Tomorrow I plan on working on my collage and then skipping out to give bits of the house a good scrub while paint or glue is drying. I love these super productive periods. Why are they so fleeting? I may not know the answer to that, but I'm going to ride the wave as long as I can.

Any others out there wanting to share what's new in your studio?

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