Thursday, November 18, 2010

Third day in the studio--it's a collagraph

I decided to shake hands with an old print that is still an open edition--only one left! I was hoping for success today, but met with a common fate for me: When I walk away w/o finishing an edition, it not only requires wild horses to drag me back, but I have no recollection on how to print the darn thing. Now, a studio journal would solve part of this problem, though I started this print while at a different press and my journal is MIA. It's taken me awhile to learn this lesson--I must finish the current edition before I start a new print. 

Above is a picture of the plate, which is signage material which I believe is known in the plastic world as polystyrene, maybe 1.5 mm thick. I've labeled what I used as building materials.

This is what the print is supposed to look like, after it's wiped a la poupĂ©e, or colors applied on the plate at the same time being careful not to mix neighboring colors when wiping. I would need to add some hand work as well as collage the little tea set from an Italian fine paper sample once it's dry. But that will have to be another day since my results today go into the encaustic bin. 

Speaking of encaustic, that's what I'll be doing on Thursday in my home studio instead of printing at the WPA studio. I will also not be at the WPA studio demoing Saturday night as previously planned. Just like we learned in The Shining, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy."


Anna Kinbar said...

I love this Cathy, want to start doing this!

Cathy Savage said...

So fun that you're taking the workshop with Lynne. I'd be interested in knowing the technique she's teaching. I usually have to have a 2-day collagraph workshop to allow the glue to cure before inking. I'm wondering what her secret is... Do share next week!