Thursday, February 16, 2012

Diving into the world of teaching

I had my handy brag book with me today to show examples
of the different techniques I'd like to teach.
I've led workshops before for Flatbed Press, and for WPA, plus some summer camp gigs, but I've taken it up a notch. The week after Spring Break I'm going to start teaching a printmaking workshop to junior and senior high school students at The Griffin School! I'll be leading 1-1/2 hour classes once a week for 8 weeks. Luckily I'll have a seasoned teacher with me as an assistant for this 13-kid class. I'm getting a crash course in creating lesson plans between now and my start date, but I've already jotted down things I'd like to teach (collagraphs are my number one interest, so you know I'll be spending time on this technique). Anyway, I'm just so excited to talk about one of my passions. Now, if I could get better at the ukulele and then teach that, I think my life would be complete.

Have a great day doing whatever it is you love!!

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