Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Leap, and the Net with Appear

Papers printed yesterday using Akua and gelatin.
I just bought 50 wood panels in the hopes of setting up
relationships with galleries and selling grackle collages.
In this case, I wish leaping didn't cost so much.
I've read The Artist's Way a gazillion times, and that is where I first read John Burrough's quote about leaping. I have to say reading the book was integral in getting my art self back after years of straying. I remember when my husband and I had to introduce ourselves in front of a large group, complete with a microphone, and I said out loud for the first time, "My name is Cathy Savage and I am an artist." Whoa. That was a big moment for me and I owe it in part to that book. As for leaping, I find myself pulling back in some situations, but I eventually nudge forward then take the leap. I hope you're leaping too.

Every year in January I have a huge list of goals, and about this time I reevaluate and outright laugh at some of the things I thought I could accomplish. When writing my goals I always forget to include weeks where "meh" basically sums them up. That's when I try to remember the leaps and applaud them. I'd love for you to share a leap you've taken. Please comment!


Laura said...

I love this post. Leaping is really the only way to become an artist and definitely the only way to remain one. For me, no matter how aware I am of the emotions that go with being an artist and getting in one's own way because of fear... I still avoid the leaps! Constant struggle, but well worth it.

ahufford said...

Making leaps is not just applicable to artists -- it is also applicable to people who are trying to become more authentic, more themselves. Perhaps artists are just more in touch with themselves than others? I find myself more scared to take leaps than I was in the past. Not sure why because they have always worked out.

Cathy Savage said...

I'm with you Laura--it always seems to be a struggle. But then I'll look back and realized I've advanced in some areas but am still weak in others. It's a process.

AHufford--I think it takes a lot of soul searching to figure out one's path, and the lucky ones are those that have identified that path and now have that path as an internal compass. I suppose artists have to tap into the depths in order to retrieve that creativity, so maybe we're just in better practice? I think being on the right path is what's key. Even those on the right path get off sometimes, but the compass helps bring them back to center. (Hopefully that makes sense!)