Friday, September 21, 2012

Color #2 of Reductive Woodcut

At some point this will look like Lincoln. I'm in the
middle of carving the 2nd color of a reductive woodcut.
My favorite tools. The U-gouge and the knife.
Well I'm back at it today. I printed more sheets of my first color on Tuesday. I'm thinking with registration and getting the colors right, I'll need a larger pool of prints to mess up in order to have a decent yield in the end. That's not really positive thinking, but it is realistic. Here's my plate partially carved. I need to work at it a little more, then proof, then print.

A knife tool is handy. I score my lines, then scooped out the wood with my U-gouge. By using the knife I've reduced the change of a runaway cut. (I did glue a couple of over cuts back in. You can use wood glue, but I just used some craft glue since it was handy. They look like they'll hold fine.)

I thought I'd plug the book Getting Things Done by David Allen again. My desk is the cleanest it has ever been and filing is a breeze now that I've tidied my filing cabinet. I still have a ways to go in other areas of the clutter war, but I've made some very satisfying steps. After a task list is implemented, we'll see how I do with upkeep on incoming information, deadlines, and projects.

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