Wednesday, September 10, 2014

He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not

I entered 5 pieces into the Georgetown Art Hop--Opening Reception Oct. 11, 3-5 pm in case you're local--and I was lucky enough to have 2 accepted. What's funny is the work that was accepted I liked, but I thought the rejects were stronger. These are the ones that made the cut:

Tesla and Crooke's Radiometer, 23 x 12 x 5", mixed media
After Archimedis' Atikythera Mechanism, 30 x 22", collagraph

I've been working on my website for the last few days and the print I had as the welcoming work on the front page is a recent favorite, but my husband insisted I switch it for the one that's there now. This one:
Brahe, Kepler, and Planetary Motion, 20 x 20", monotype, intaglio, mixed media
(Which I should point out was rejected by Art Hop.) I have to admit I no longer take rejection personally, but do find it curious. I would really benefit from a professional critique. One of these days I'll look into that. 

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