Sunday, September 15, 2013

Top list of supplies for Collagraphs

By Les Warren. Duct tape and drypoint marks on polystyrene. Akua ink.

I had a lot of fun this weekend at Flatbed leading their collagraph workshop. I have a bunch of pics to share, but next time. I'm beat and am just pumping out this post while I can still hold my head upright. 
  1. Collage materials. See this post for ideas.
  2. Adhesive. I like Liquitex Gloss Medium and Varnish
  3. Gesso. Any kind. I'm using Jerry's Artist Gesso now. Here's a post featuring Jill Alo and her gesso technique. 
  4. Modeling paste. I like Lascaux Modeling Paste A. Here's a post about how I've used in in a collage, which is basically how I'd use it for collagraphs.
  5. Gritty gel (Golden makes a thick gel with pumice already mixed in), or make your own with adhesive and carborundum grit. Here's another Jill Alo post. 
  6. Tape. I like carpet tape (oh my this stuff is sticky and it will hold whatever you put on it), packing tape, masking tape, duct tape, etc. If it's tape, I like it. 
  7. Matrices of either Cel-Tec/Sintra, mat board, or polystyrene
  8. Ink. I like Akua intaglio.
  9. Mark making tools, which are basically the same as my drypoint tools
  10. Press. Yep, you need one of these too. 

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